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Charles Thomson Rees Wilson 

Scottish born Nobel prize winner

The photo on the left shows CTR Wilson in 

1927 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize

Photo credit: grandson Andrew Wilson

Born - Friday, February 14, 1869 - Valentine's day

Died - Sunday, November 15, 1959

Nobel Prize lecture in physics  

Monday, December 12, 1927

The Royal Society of Edinburgh Conference
CTR Wilson, a Great Scottish Physicist:

His Life, Work and Legacy 

The aim of the CTR Wilson Institute for Atmospheric Electricity is to promote the understanding of electrostatic and electrodynamic processes in atmospheres, highlight the impact of atmospheric electricity on the living world, the environment and climate change, encourage the use of atmospheric electric technology to improve the well being of society, and to capitalize on novel innovation opportunities that arise for the economy when pushing forward the boundaries of scientific knowledge in the area of atmospheric electricity. Read more about the mission of the CTR Wilson for Institute Atmospheric Electricity:


The CTR Wilson Institute for Atmospheric Electricity was founded in 2013 in commemoration of the Nobel prize winner Charles Thomson Rees Wilson who made fundamental contributions to Atmospheric Electricity. CTR Wilson is mainly known for his invention of the cloud chamber to detect ionising radiation, but he also clarified the charge distribution inside thunder-clouds, predicted lightning-type discharge processes above thunderclouds, and the emission of ionising radiation associated with lightning discharge processes.


The activities of the CTR Wilson Institute for Atmospheric Electricity are supported by numerous industrial partners, higher eduction institutions and scientific societies. The broad sponsorship base reflects the largely interdisciplinary character of Atmospheric Electricity and its contributions to society in a large number of different areas. 

© 2016 CTR Wilson Institute for Atmospheric Electricity

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